Everyone who has a smartphone is a media house. The employees, customers, analysts and all other stakeholders are on social media. It is time to bring the C-Suite to the party as well.
Everyone who has a smartphone is a media house. Employees are talking about the brand, the workplace, company policies and everything that was thought to be discussed in hushed tones by a few. Salaries are routinely made known on social media. The line between what is private and what is public has blurred. So, instead of staying away it is important to get the right information and data into the open. The fact that leaders may choose not to engage in the conversation does not mean that the conversation is going to stop.
Social media is not a megaphone. Often a crisis or a PR disaster will force the CEO to “issue a statement” in order to correct perceptions. At such times, being seen as trustworthy is vital. The concept of leadership has changed. The employees, customers, analysts and all other stakeholders are on social media. It is time to bring the C-Suite to the party as well. Visit Live Edge Furniture Store to see how exceptional furniture can reflect your innovative leadership.
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