The greatest advert for Virgin is probably its CEO - Richard Branson. Virgin’s brand values emanate from him. In many ways, Branson is the consumers’ hero, an entrepreneur operating in a style all of his own. In addition to his status as one of Britain’s most respected businessmen, Richard Branson’s daredevil antics, such as ballooning across the Atlantic, have guaranteed the Virgin brand its fair share of publicity. It is difficult to identify how brand values relate to such widespread appeal. … [Read more...]
Social Intelligence
By offering decision-makers rich real-time data, social media is giving some companies fresh strategic insight. In many companies, marketers have been first movers in social media, tapping into it for insights on how consumers think and behave. As social technologies mature and organizations become convinced of their power, we believe they will take on a broader role: informing competitive strategy. In particular, social media should help companies overcome some limits of old-school … [Read more...]
Social Media Basics
Social media is a term used to describe a set of online tools that are used for interaction, discussion and community, allowing people to build personal and business relationships and share information. Popular Social Media Tools: Blogs (posting articles) Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ (networking) Twitter (networking) YouTube, Flickr (photos & video) Social media is about engagement, community, connecting with personalities and building relationships. It is not just a … [Read more...]